This is why we need to help them!

Situations like this make us evaluate what our purpose in life really is, if not to help all life and mostly the abandoned and unprotected. Having rescued many local strays (that are a blessing to our family), I wish there was something more that could be done to help other strays worldwide too. So, I've decided to create this website with the main goal of providing tools for helping strays and the people that help them.

As an american expat now living in Portugal I've realized how critical this is for strays in every country. I'd ask you to donate and help local shelters that support stray animals first, as they're full of strays living on borrowed time, and only consider helping me with this site if you can afterwards. Your donations help me keep this site up, work towards maximizing our efforts to help, and keep it a free resource for all helpers.

Use the yellow button below to be taken to the StrayHelpers page on Buy Me a Coffee website, or scan the QR code or click the coffee cup at the bottom to donate right from this page. Monthly donations of any amount are very much appreciated as they provide me with more financial certainty when working with companies, purchasing more costly supplies for the development of the water and heat harvesting features, engaging in online/app development, and also provide me with minimal financial support while working at it. Thank you so much!